Regarding North Korea's ballistic missile provocation today (2nd), the presidential office said, "We are taking a serious look at this provocation in that it is the first missile provocation that violated the Northern Limit Line (NLL) since division and is an actual territorial encroachment." said.

"The last time North Korea conducted a military provocation by invading the NLL was the Yeonpyeong Island shelling provocation in 2010," said Kim Seong-han, head of the National Security Office, at a briefing at the presidential office in Yongsan this afternoon.

Director Kim said, "North Korea is raising tensions using the ROK-U.S. joint aerial exercise as an excuse. Our position is clear. do,” he said.

Most of all, he added, "I am very sorry that it was done during our national mourning period."

"We will not tolerate any provocations from North Korea that threaten the lives and safety of our people," Kim stressed, "and will take decisive, immediate and clear countermeasures using all means of the government."

"The party that escalates tensions on the Korean Peninsula is North Korea, which continues provocations while strengthening its nuclear and missile programs," Kim said.

He also reaffirmed his position that he would continue the defensive South Korea-U.S. joint exercises to strengthen deterrence against North Korea.

"President Yun Seok-yeol ordered the South Korean military to remain fully prepared and prepare for the possibility of additional high-intensity provocations from North Korea in the future," said Kim. he emphasized.

(Photo = Yonhap News)